Hi, I am Simone

Simone Ferlin

Performance engineer

I am a performance engineer and adjunct senior lecturer working with 5G and Internet evolution. I completed my PhD in computer science in 2017 at the Simula Research Lab and Universitetet i Oslo under the supervision of Dr. Ozgu Alay and Prof. Michael Welzl. My PhD dissertation focused on increasing robustness in multipath transport with MPTCP.

My research interests are in network and system measurements, performance analysis, security and congestion control. I am interested in how such networks (e.g. the Internet) evolve – how technologies are developed, adopted and impact different entities – and how security and privacy in general can be harmonised, made more usable and assessed.

I am looking for strong (MSc and PhD) internship candidates. Are you interested? Get in touch!


Jun’24Our paper entitled “A Framework for Cognitive, Decentralized Container Orchestration” was accepted at the IEEE Access , journal
May’24Our paper entitled “NetConfEval: Can LLMs Facilitate Network Configuration?” was accepted at the CoNEXT’24, conference
Mar’24Our paper entitled “On Cross-Layer Interactions of QUIC, Encrypted DNS and HTTP/3: Design, Evaluation and Dataset” was accepted for the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) journal
Feb’24Our work at Red Hat Research was featured in the Red Hat Research Quarterly Magazine (RHRQ)
Jan’24Our paper entitled “gPerfIsol: GNN-based Rate-Limits Allocation for Performance Isolation in Multi-tenant Cloud” was accepted at the ICIN’24, conference
Dec’23Honored to be invited for talk at the Department of Information Technology, Division of Computer Systems at Uppsala, Sweden with the topic Cloud Networking with Openshift: Looking at Networking Bottlenecks

Time to embark on a major adventure: I am on maternity leave! See you sometime in 2024.
Nov’23Honored to be invited for a talk for the Networked Systems Laboratory (NSLab) group at KTH, Sweden with the topic Cloud Networking with Openshift: Looking at Networking Bottlenecks
Oct’23Ahmed Abdulfattah concluded his project work (congrats!) with the topic NAT64: Performance Comparison Between NAT64-eBPF and Tayga
Jul’23TPC member for the Grand Challenges in Green Multimedia Signal Processing, 2023

ACM Mobicom Workshop Demo and Poster co-chair with Claudio Fiandrino at WiNTECH’23
Jun’23Opponent in Mihail’s Zverev PhD defense on “Reducing Transport Protocol Latency: QUIC protocol enhancements”
May’23ANRW’24 co-chair with Ignacio Castro
Apr’23Our papers entitled “Copa-D: Delay Consistent Copa for Dynamic Cellular Networks” and “DESK: Distributed Observability Framework for Edge-Based Containerized Microservices” were accepted at the EuCNC & 6G Summit’23’ conference
Mar’23Our paper entitled “A First Look at Adaptive Video Streaming over Multipath QUIC with Shared Bottleneck Detection” was accepted at the ACM MMSys’23’ conference
Jan’23Our paper entitled “Efficient continuous latency monitoring with eBPF” was accepted at the Passive and Active Measurement (PAM)’, 2023 conference
Nov’22N2Women co-chair with Prof. Anna Brunstrom at ACM Mobicom’23
Oct’22IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize ANRP’23 award committee member
Aug’22I will be co-chairing the Internet Congestion Control Research Group (ICCRG) at the IRTF together with Jana and Michael
Jul’22Our paper entitled “A Survey on Observability of Distributed Edge & Container-based Microservices” was accepted at the IEEE Access journal

Our paper entitled “ML-based Performance Modeling in SDN-enabled Data Center Networks” was accepted for the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM) journal
Jun’22Our paper entitled “Performance of QUIC congestion control algorithms in 5G networks” was accepted at the ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Workshop on 5G Measurements, Modeling, and Use Cases (5G-MeMU)
May’22I am chair of the 17th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC), 2022

TPC member for the SIGCOMM Posters, Demos, and Student Research Competition, 2022

I am an Associated Editor (AE) for the IEEE Communications Standards Magazine
Apr’22Our paper entitled “Recommendations for Designing Hybrid Conferences” was accepted for the ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR)
Mar’22Reproducibility co-chair at MM’22

TPC member for the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference TMA’22

TPC member for the Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW), 2022
Dec’21Reproducibility co-chair at MMSys’22

Our paper entitled “A Survey on Multipath Transport Protocols Towards 5G Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting” was accepted at the IEEE Access journal
Nov’21TPC member for the IEEE Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS)‘22 conference

IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize ANRP’22 award committee member

I am an Associated Technical Editor (ATE) for the IEEE Communications Magazine
Oct’21Our paper entitled “Robust QUIC: Integrating Practical Coding in a Low Latency Transport Protocol” was accepted at IEEE Access journal
Sep’21TPC member for the Mile High Video (MHV) conference

External reviewer for the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PoPETS 2022.2)
Aug’21Felix Maurer successfully concluded his master thesis (congrats!) with the topic Investigating causes of jitter in container networking
Jul’21Honored to have participated at the Dagstuhl seminar on Climate-Friendly Internet Research

Time to embark on a major adventure: I am on maternity leave! See you sometime in 2022.
May’21Thomas William successfully concluded his master thesis (congrats!) with the topic shared bottleneck detection in MPQUIC

TPC member for the SIGCOMM Posters, Demos, and Student Research Competition, 2021

TPC member for the ACM MobiSys Posters and Demos, 2021
Apr’21TPC member for the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on 5G Measurements, Modeling, and Use Cases 5G-MeMU’21

TPC member for the Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW), 2021
Mar’21Our paper entitled “Multipath Scheduling for 5G Networks: Evaluation and Outlook” was accepted at the IEEE Communications Magazine, special issue: Transport Layer Innovations for Future Networks

Our paper entitled “WIP: Leveraging QUIC for a Receiver-driven BBR for Cellular Networks” was accepted at the WoWMoM’21

Our paper entitled “Predicting CPU Usage for Proactive Autoscaling” was accepted at the EuroMLSys’21

Thomas Wang successfully concluded his master thesis (congrats!) with the topic Predictive vertical CPU autoscaling in Kubernetes based on time-series forecasting with Holt-Winters exponential smoothing and long short-term memory
Feb’21Our paper entitled “Linnaeus: A highly reusable and adaptable ML based log classification pipeline” was accepted at the WAIN’21
Jan’21TPC member for the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference TMA’21

Our paper entitled “IoT Traffic Offloading with MultiPath TCP” was accepted with minor revisions at the IEEE Communications Magazine, special issue: Transport Layer Innovations for Future Networks
Dec’20Our paper entitled “Learning-based Incast Performance Inference in Software-Defined Data Centers” won the best paper award at the IEEE ICIN’21
Nov’20Our paper entitled “End-to-end congestion control approaches for high throughput and low delay in 4G/5G cellular networks” was accepted at the Computer Networks journal
Oct’20Celso F. da Silva successfully concluded his master thesis (congrats!) with the topic IoT/Edge traffic offloading with multipath transport

TPC member for the Passive and Active Measurement PAM’21

Artefact Evaluation Committee (AEC) reviewer at CoNEXT’20

Keynote at IWSF’20 about “Troubleshooting in systems and in distributed systems: Tools and challenges

Our paper entitled “Metrics for detecting shared bottlenecks in multi-path transmissions in Multipath QUIC (MPQUIC)” was accepted at the Workshop Pre-IETF WPIETF’20

Our paper entitled “DASH QoE Performance Evaluation Framework with 5G Datasets” was accepted at the AnServApp’20
Sep’20IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize ANRP’21 award committee member
Aug’20Reproducibility co-chair at MMSys’21

Our paper entitled “A supervised Machine Learning approach for DASH video QoE prediction in 5G networks” was accepted at the ACM MSWiM’20
Jul’20TPC member for the poster session at ACM MobiCom’20

Artefact Evaluation Committee (AEC) reviewer at CoNEXT’20
Jun’20Our paper entitled “Online Identification of Groups of Flows Sharing a Network Bottleneck” was accepted for the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN)

Vikhram Ravi successfully concluded his master thesis (congrats!) with the topic improving system tracing access and control in containerized environments.
May’20Member of the Internet Technical Committee (ITC), which is a joint committee of the ISOC and IEEE ComSoc contributing to the emergence of an ubiquitous, multimedia, and high-performance Internet

Invited talk at the IEEE Global Internet (GI) Symposium 2020
Apr’20TPC member for the IEEE Local Computer Networks (LCN) Demos 2020
TPC member for the Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ) 2020
TPC member for the Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW), 2020
Mar’20Our paper entitled “Peekaboo: Learning-based Multipath Scheduling for Dynamic Heterogeneous Environments” was accepted at the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Special Issue on Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Networking 2020
Feb’20Our paper entitled “Resilient Hybrid SatCom and Terrestrial Networking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” was accepted at the IEEE WiSARN’20 workshop
Dec’19Member of the evaluation committee for Celso F. da Silva’s midterm master thesis evaluation, supervised by Prof. Bruno Kimura at Unifesp, Brazil
TPC member for the IEEE Global Internet (GI) Symposium 2020
TPC member for the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3) 2020
TPC member for the Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC) 2020
Oct’19Our paper entitled “Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for BGP Anomaly Detection using Graph Features” was accepted at the ACM Big-DAMA’19 workshop
Member of the artifact evaluation committee for CoNEXT’19
TPC member for the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) 2020
Jul’19On-site support panel discussion participation at 6. WPIETF at the CSBC 2019 in Belem, Brazil
PhD opponent at Samira Afzal’s defense at FEEC Unicamp, Brazil
Jun’19Our abstract was accepted at the Journal of Cyber Policy to Publish Special Issue on Internet Consolidation
Apr’19TPC member for the Applied Networking Research Workshop (ANRW), 2019
Mar’19Our paper entitled “rQUIC: Integrating FEC with QUIC for Robust Wireless Communications” was accepted at IFIP Networking 2019!
Feb’19TPC member for the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 2019
TPC member for the Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC), 2019
TPC member for the Workshop on Mobile Network Measurement (MNM), 2019
TPC member for the Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), 2019
Jan’19Our ToN paper on “Low Latency Scheduling in MPTCP” was accepted for publication!
Nov’18Our ToN paper on “Low Latency Scheduling in MPTCP” was submitted with a minor revision
Collaboration with Andra Lutu and Cristel Pelsser
Sep’18TPC Chair invitation to organize the WPIETF (Workshop Pre-IETF), 2019 in Brazil
Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Aug’18Our RFC8382 is out!
Jul’18TPC member for the ACM CoNEXT Workshop Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC (EPIQ) 2018
May’18Reviewer for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and IEEE Communication Letters
Apr’18TPC member for the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC) 2018
Mar’18TPC member for the IEEE LCN 2018
Feb’18Talk invitation at Enterprise Data Center Operators (EDCO)
TPC member for the TMA MNM 2018 workshop
Jan’18Collaboration with Randy Bush and Cristel Pelsser
Nov’17Collaboration with IBM Security Research. Team and blog at: Security Intelligence
Oct’17TPC member for IEEE IFIP Networking 2018
Sep’17Our ToN paper in collaboration with Nokia Bell-Labs entitled “MPTCP meets FEC: Supporting Latency-Sensitive Applications over Heterogeneous Networks” was accepted to be published!
Jul’17I am temporarily on leave from IBM, interning at IIJ Labs, under supervision of Romain Fontungne and Kenjiro Cho
Jun’17I graduated!


Keywords to my current work and research:
  • Transport layer and multipath transport protocols: Performance and security.
  • Application and transport layer performance, automation and monitoring.
  • Network programming – Linux kernel and user space.
  • Mobile broadband networks – 2G to 5G and their intersection with the Internet.
  • Observability, distributed and system performance monitoring and automation.
Recent and active collaborations with co-supervision of students:
  • Stefan Schmid, TU Berlin
    • 2023: Co-advised Ahmed Abdulfattah with Toke Høiland-Jørgensen on evaluating performance of NAT64-eBPF versus Tayga.
  • Lothar Wengerek, Ericsson R&D
    • 2020: Advised Oskar Lundin during his internship with Ericsson R&D on system and distributed tracing visualization.
    • 2020: Advised Felix Maurer during his internship with Ericsson R&D on network observability.
  • Ozgu Alay, University of Oslo and Simula Research Lab, Norway
    • 2018-2021: Co-advised Hongjia Wo’s work on ML applied to multipath transport and 5G multipath edge.
    • 2017-2018: Co-advised Pablo Garrido’s work applying FEC to QUIC.
  • Anna Brunstrom, Karlstad university, Sweden
    • 2020: Co-advising Simon Sundberg’s work on high performance low-latency networking applied to 5G.
    • 2019-2023: Co-advised Habtegebreil Haile’s work on congestion control applied to 5G.
  • Bruno Kimura, Unifesp, Brazil
    • 2020-2021: Co-advised Thomas William’s work on shared bottleneck detection in multipath transport.
    • 2019-2020: Co-advised Celso F. da Silva’s work on multipath IoT applied to 5G.
  • Karl Andersson, Luleå University, Sweden
    • 2020: Advised Vikhram Ravi at Ericsson R&D on improving system tracing access and control in containerized environments.
  • Christian E. Rothenberg, Unicamp, Brazil
    • 2019-2020: Co-advised Raza Mustafa’s work on closed control-loop video QoE estimation applied to 5G.
  • Cristel Pelsser, Strasbourg University, France
    • 2018-2019: With Randy Bush, co-advised Odnan Ref Sanchez’s work applying ML to BGP anomaly detection.
  • Marco Chiesa, KTH, Sweden
    • 2023: Co-advised Emil Ståhl at KTH and Red Hat together with Gianni Antichi and Eelco Chaudron on investigating cache misses in OVS.
    • 2021: Co-advised Felix Maurer at Ericsson R&D on investigating causes of jitter in container networking.
    • 2020-2021: Co-advised Thomas Wang at Ericsson R&D on resource profiling and auto-scaling in containerized environments.
  • Benoit Nougnanke, IIJ Research Laboratory, Japan
    • Andra Lutu, Telefonica I&D, Spain
      • David Hayes, University of Oslo, Norway
        • Sigrid Eldh, Ericsson R&D, Sweden
          I am lucky to have met colleagues that taught and reminded me of humility and greatness of mind and heart:


            Past projects

            • H2020 FP7 – RITE – Reducing Internet Transport Latency
            • The research council of Norway – NorNet – A Real-World Large-Scale Testbed
            • ESA – HENCSAT: Network Coding Protocols for Satellite Terminals with Multiple Logical Paths
            • Knowledge foundation of Sweden - AI-driven Networking and Processing Framework for InDustriAl IoT (AIDA)

            Current projects

            • Vinnova - Securing Enterprises via Machine-Learning-based Automation (SEMLA)
            • Horizon Europe - Cognitive Decentralised Edge Cloud Orchestration (CODECO)
            • Knowledge foundation of Sweden - Data-driven Latency-Sensitive Mobile Services for a Digitized Society (DRIVE)


            • I enjoy singing (choir) and trying different music instruments’ learning curves: I even took lessons to play the piano, acoustic guitar, and ukulele.
            • I bike. I actually collect bikes. I proudly ride a Gazelle and I am very interested in recumbent and folding bikes.
            • I am a certified scuba diver. Once upon a time I also did triathlon. I hold a blue belt in karate wado-ryu.
            • I read about History of science, science, economic and political development – specially in Latin America. More recently, parenting books occupy my shelves.
            • I am engaged in biodiversity and wildlife conservation and (I try very hard to enter) the niche to apply communication technology to it.
            Resources: (full list here)